"Burning Down the House""Handmaid's Tale," Season Three, Episodes One-Three (Spoilers) At the end of “Useful,” the third episode of The Handmaid’s Tale, Season...
The Madwomen in Gilead: on Being a Wife in Hulu's DystopiaThe Handmaid’s Tale’s Gilead is a dark world that professes to exalt, honor, and protect women as wives and bearers of children. The...
The Handmaids Tale and the Power of 'I'“The Canadians think the women here are oppressed and voiceless. I need you to show them a strong Gilead wife,” Fred Waterford says to...
Stealing Babies: The Handmaid’s Tale, History, and NowMorality is in the eye—or the conscience—of the beholder, right? In the fictional dystopic world of The Handmaid’s Tale, humans have...